
class RateLimitingConfiguration

Configuration for the Rate Limiting plugin.


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fun RateLimitingConfiguration()


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fun excludeRequestWhen(body: RateLimitExclusion)

Define selector that excludes given route from the rate limiting completely.

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fun rateLimitHit(action: RateLimitHitAction)

Action that is executed when the rate limit is hit.

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fun registerLimit(limit: Long, window: Duration, extractKey: RateLimitKeyExtraction)

Register a single limit for the rate limiter.


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var interceptPhase: Hook<suspend (ApplicationCall) -> Unit>

Determines which hook to use to catch the call.

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var purgeHitDuration: Duration

See LinearRateLimiter.purgeHitDuration.

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var purgeHitSize: Int

See LinearRateLimiter.purgeHitSize.


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